My Story

“Lord, let me be small so that you may be Big!”

About Me

Hi, I'm Dr. Jill Jennings

I have worked in healthcare for over 25 years. After battling two major health challenges I experienced what it means to be both the doctor and the patient.

I wanted to be a doctor my whole life, but walked away from it. Instead, I worked as an ER nurse for 16 years. During that time, I developed a 10-year chronic disease that led to my disability. After seeing countless doctors, having endless tests, and trying numerous prescription medications…to no avail, I was forced to look outside of what conventional medicine had to offer. It was then I discovered all that natural medicine had to offer, and it healed me.

I realized that God really did want me to be a doctor, just not where I thought. I went back to school and received my 4-year doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine from National University of Health Sciences.

" This happened so that the work of the Lord might be displayed in your life "

- John 9:3

My Journey

A Path of Perseverance

A few years into my medical practice, my world was rocked with a diagnosis of breast cancer. I then started down a road I never imagined I would travel. I once again became the patient, and was forced to put into practice everything I had taught my own patients for years.

Although cancer was the hardest thing I had ever faced, it turned out to also be my biggest blessing. It built my faith in ways I never knew possible, and I had a front row seat to the miracles that God performed during that intense journey to save my life. I say “When everything else is stripped away from you, it is only then you realize that Jesus is all you ever really need!” I also saw the incredible power of lifestyle medicine in helping her body heal.

In the darkest days of my life, I discovered how to find faith, joy and even laughter in the midst of a crisis. I also discovered my purpose through the pain and now use my experiences to teach and minister to others.

Learn The Full Story

Discover how it all started and the journey that led Dr. Jill to this point in pursuit of answers and betterment of herself and others through the wonders of lifestyle medicine!

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